Start College On Time
I was able to start college on time.
When I was a senior in high school I began suffering with chronic, migraine headaches, tiredness and low-back pain. Being ill was undermining my attendance at school and preventing me from participating in sports. I was afraid I wouldn’t graduate on time. Before going to the Kaplan Clinic, I had been treated by many different doctors, even specialists at a well-known Children’s Hospital.
Dr. Gary talked with me for a long time about all my symptoms and my medical history. Besides the headaches and muscle pain, I’d also been having some memory problems, rashes, sleep difficulties and trouble with my vision. It also turned out that I had a magnesium deficiency.
I was treated for biotoxicity with medication, a special diet and magnesium IVs. I also received acupuncture, OMT, and craniosacral therapy to help with my pain. Within a few months I felt great – no more migraine headaches, muscle pain or vision problems. Thanks to Dr. Kaplan and his staff, I was able to start college on time.