8 Tips To Help You Manage Your Medications
For many ailments, treatments most often involve some type of…

Living Longer, Living Better: Advanced Diagnostics and Unique Treatments for Longevity
Longevity is about more than living a long life—it's about…

Chronic Pain: Integrative Strategies for Relief
Finding relief from chronic pain may feel like a never-ending,…

Dietary Supplements to Aid Sleep
Sleep disorders not only rob us of a restful night, but they…

Dr. Gary Kaplan on Advances in Stem Cell Therapy and Being a Patient
Major advancements in regenerative medicine and stem cell therapies…

Physical Therapy: The Right Touch For Your Musculoskeletal Pain
Pain can come in many forms; it can be the result of an injury,…

Research Confirms This Ancient Practice Helps With Low Back Pain
We are at a crossroads in the applications of yoga for modern…

Treating Peripheral Neuropathy
The peripheral nervous system includes the nerves that lead from…

How to Improve AFib Symptoms
Nutrition and other lifestyle modifications can have a meaningful…