18 Things You Should Know Before Choosing a Doctor to Treat Your Fibromyalgia


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By utilizing the fully integrated medical approach described in the guide, the providers at The Kaplan Center are able to help patients to more effectively manage – and sometimes fully resolve – their pain and fatigue.

Our process includes an extensive review of a patient’s medical history by multiple members of our medical team, with an exploration of the need for diagnostic testing. Then, in partnership with each patient, we create a multi-dimensional treatment plan to address their unique symptoms and concerns.

The last two pages of the guide include questions to help your research and assist you in finding a physician who is qualified to address the specific symptoms and concerns associated with fibromyalgia syndrome.

Your potential for recovery will be greatly enhanced by your courage and patience in finding a doctor who can meet your unique healthcare needs. We hope our complimentary guide is one step towards this goal.

With kind regards and best wishes for your good health.

Dr. Gary Kaplan
Medical Director
The Kaplan Center for Integrative Medicine

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