Yamas & Niyamas

The Yoga Sutras, written thousands of years ago, describe the eight limb path. Some of these limbs involve the movement, the breathing, and stages towards meditation.

The limbs that we often don’t hear about are the first two, called Yamas and Niyamas, translated as Restraints and Observances.

The Yamas, which are more external virtues, include Ahimsa (Non or Least Harming), Satya (Truthfulness), Asteya (Non-stealing), Bramacharya (Non-excess), and Aparagraha (Non-clinging).

The Niyamas are more subtle and have an inner focus. They include Saucha (Purity or Wholeness), Santosha (Contentment), Tapas (Hard work and Discipline), Svadhyaya (Self-Study), and Ishvarapranadana (Surrender).

To learn more about these wise principles and how to apply them to your life, I’ve created the audio series below. These are wonderful, ancient pearls that help us through our journey in life. Click here to listen all at once, or you can select them individually below. Namaste.

Dr. Lisa


Ahimsa: The First Yama

Satya: The Second Yama

Asteya: The Third Yama

Bramachara: The Fourth Yama

Aparagraha: The Fifth Yama


Saucha: The First Niyama

Santosha: The Second Niyama

Tapas: The Third Niyama

Svadhyaya: The Fourth Niyama

Ishvarapranadana: The Fifth Niyama

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