Essential Turmeric Oils: A Hopeful Treatment For Ulcerative Colitis
The positive health effects of turmeric have been touted by age-old…

“Gut Feelings”: An Excerpt From Total Recovery
We now know that our intestinal tract has 100 million nerves – more than our spinal cords or peripheral nervous systems. With this radically new understanding, scientists have tentatively begun to refer to it as the body’s second brain.

The Hidden Risks of NSAIDs
Painkillers: The 14-Day Time-Bomb
What Doctors Don't Tell You,…

Turmeric – Miracle Spice or a Bunch of Hype?
Q. Dr. Kaplan, you have recommended using turmeric regularly…

Is SIBO Causing Abdominal Pain And Weight Loss?
Q: I am 70 years old, and have been fit and active all of my…

8 Reasons Your Pain Won’t Go Away
by Julia Westbrook | As first seen on RodaleNews.com.
What you…

Dr. Gary Kaplan on KBOO 90.7FM’s "Healthwatch"
On October 6th Dr. Gary Kaplan did a 30-minute live interview…

Dr. Gary Kaplan on "How To Be Mentally & Physically Healthy for Life"
About 100 million Americans live with some form of chronic pain…