LISTEN NOW: Dr. Gary Kaplan on The Natural Health Rising Podcast with Rachel Smith, FDN-P
Dr. Gary was a recent guest on The Natural Health Rising Podcast.

Is Depression Ever Just Depression?
A modified model for understanding depression and anxiety ought…

The Dark(er) Side of Dark Chocolate
While we’ve come to love dark chocolate and all its benefits,…

Overcoming Long-Haul & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – Free Online Summit
Dr. Gary Kaplan was invited to participate in the upcoming…

Managing Chronic Pain and Illness with Mind-Body Therapies
With everything we know about mind-body therapies, if you have…

Dr. Gary Kaplan on Dirobi Health Show – Living healthy in a toxic world.
Dr. Kaplan was a guest on Dave Sherwin's Dirobi Health Show about…

What I Know About Healing Chronic Pain From 37 Years Of Treating Patients
There are over 50 million adults in the United States living…

Having Symptoms After COVID?
In one form or another, it appears that COVID-19 is here to stay.…

Acupuncture for Allergies
Warm weather means flowers, gardens, and outdoor activities for…

Everyday Behaviors That Can Impact a Healthy Immune System
The key to longevity and optimal health is a healthy immune…