7 Minutes a Day For Better Health
Get moving and boost your immune system!
A N.Y. Times article cited a 2020 study out of Stanford where 36 subjects with various fitness levels exercised on a treadmill for 9-10 min and using the latest techniques showed almost 10,000 molecular changes during and after exercise.
With these new techniques, called “omics”, the researchers have isolated various molecules in our bloodstream that alter our biology. Metabolomics looks at molecules like appetite hormones and enzymes produced by the microbes in the gut; genomics looks at changes in gene expression; immunomics looks at the changes in the immune system; and, proteomics and lipidomics look at changes in proteins and fats. The list goes on. The author of the study quotes there is an “ orchestrated choreography of biologic processes” demonstrated to occur.
Why is this research important?
Recently we find that we are spending more time at home. We find ourselves sitting in front of the computer more than ever. Sitting too much weakens our immune system, increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease, depression and decreases bone density. We need to learn to be more creative about how we move our bodies.
We are all concerned about how robust our immune system is against potential illnesses.
One of the best immune boosters is exercise and this recent study out of Stanford, published in the journal Cell, showed even less than 10 min of exercise produces changes in thousands of molecules which affect inflammation, DNA and tissue repair, insulin resistance, oxidative stress, metabolism, immunity, and appetite.
Questions? Give Us a Call!
With less access to gyms, we need to be creative about making sure we incorporate exercise into our daily routine.
Hiking, biking, running, and many online classes including yoga are available. In addition, a total body workout is ideal to keep all of our muscles strong and stimulate bone density.
If time is short, one way is to do a 7-8 min workout using body weight and minimal props. Combining this with yoga improves bone density, strengthens our immune system, and stimulates proteins that reverse aging. So get out of your chair and move!
And there’s more to keep in mind…
- Post-menopausal women have an increased risk of osteoporosis. Exercise is a key factor to improve bone density. Make sure you get a DEXA scan and review options for treating osteopenia and osteoporosis.
- Evaluating gut health not only can boost your immune system but also can improve brain health. We have several tests to look at digestive health and a dietitian to help you navigate food choices.
- Balancing your hormones (i.e. thyroid and sex hormones) can improve your metabolism. We have advanced testing to look at these hormones including cortisol to evaluate adrenal function.
- NAD infusions can reduce DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness), improve cognition and fatigue, reduce pain, and improve sleep.
We are here for you, and we want to help.
Our goal is to return you to optimal health as soon as possible. To schedule an appointment please call: 703-532-4892 x2
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