Benefits of AcupunctureResearch has demonstrated that…
If only there was a single pill that could resolve your condition. The reality, however, is that the causes of illness and pain are multidimensional, and effective treatment requires a multidimensional approach.
At the Kaplan Center for Integrative Medicine we offer patients a unique diagnostic protocol — taking the time to talk with patients to understand their symptoms, their medical history, which treatments have and haven’t worked in the past, and reviewing patients’ musculoskeletal, physiological and even emotional systems.
Once accurately diagnosed, we find that patients make the quickest and the most complete recoveries when they follow a comprehensive treatment strategy that addresses their unique medical needs. By combining treatment modalities in a way that specifically targets an individual’s medical issues, our patients are able to achieve a more rapid, complete, and permanent resolution of their condition — often avoiding surgery, using far less medication and experiencing fewer side effects than with conventional medicine.
At the Kaplan Center we offer a comprehensive treatment approach that may incorporate one or more of the modalities listed below.
Our goal is to return you to optimal health as soon as possible. To schedule an appointment please call: 703-532-4892 x2
Our integrative, non-surgical treatment approach is highly successful in maintaining wellness and also treating chronic pain and illness. For more than 30 years, we have delivered superior, cutting-edge health care in the Washington, DC area.
Tel: 703-532-4892
Fax: 703-237-3105
6829 Elm Street, Suite 300
McLean, Virginia 22101
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Hours of Operation
Mon – Thu : 8 am – 5 pm, ET
Fri : 8 am – 12 pm, ET